Friday, October 4, 2013

The List

I've heard it said if you want to get something done write it down. To that end I've created "The List". The Something Else to do list. My current list is the tasks required to put the boat back together so I can go sailing. It is not a list of future projects just the current things that are taken apart. Yes, it is a broad list. Completing an engine change with sub-tasks related to the engine change. On the list I have a column for tasks that are held for other tasks. I also have columns for estimated completion date (ECD) and things that need to be bought. I created the list in April with ECDs of May, June and July. In August I removed most of the ECDs cause I failed to declare what year I intended. I must of meant 2014.


  1. Whenever I make a "To Do" list, the first item on the list is "Make a To Do list." That way I can quickly check one item off the list!

    I've heard it said that "you can't die as long as you have a To Do list with unfinished projects on it." You even have sub-tasks in your tasks! It looks like you have a very long life ahead of you!

    Good luck with all your Something Else projects.

  2. This sounds like all of the projects we put away for the winter in snow country, and never finished. But you don't have snow in Long Beach, so you're bound to make better progress.
