Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thrift Shop Sweater 4 Something Else

Mary and I had productive day thrift shopping last weekend. I found three shirts (Columbia and Tommy Hilfiger brands), and a Henri Lloyd sailing vest. I also purchased a child’s argyle sweater. A child’s sweater you may ask?

For some reason my fender is leaving muck on the hull of Something Else. It is also making a lot of squeaking when the boat moves.

I pulled the sleeves inside the sweater and put it over the top of the fender.

Now I have a well dressed fender that will not muck up the hull or squeak… Isn’t that SOMETHING

1 weekend, $2.99 thrift shop sweater. Having a well dressed fender… Pricelsess


  1. Very again amaze me with your ability to think "outside the box" sailboat repair-wise! By the way, I thought "fender" was a car part or a classic guitar. Evidently, it is also a sailboat that a landlubber like me would otherwise call "the big rubber bumper thingy"!

    1. Also know as rubber baby buggy bumper... for a boat.

      From the Glossary of Sailing Terms tab at the top of the blog

      Fender - A cushion, placed between boats, or between a boat and a pier, to prevent damage.
